Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Training, racing and the Holidays.

I've gone and done it again. Life has somehow gotten in the way of training adequately for St. Jude's in December. I feel better about this race even tho I haven't put in major miles. My mentality about this race seems to be in the right place.

I have had a couple of really tough mental races. Country Music and the WHM was a bit defeating mentally, knowing I could do better and being blocked on one front or the other.

Country Music I was ready physically but as we know mother nature had other ideas. WHM I kept telling myself I was only running for the medal but in the end it was a tough finish.

For St. Jude's I am working on the mental portion of running. When I train I picture the course. For the first time I have a copy of the race posted near my computer monitor. I stare at it consistently I think I almost know the route by heart!

I am looking forward to this race. It is my last race of the year, and it is the end of Year One of racing and keeping a commitment I made to my self back in November of 2009.

Looking back I have realized several things about the running community.

Runners don't have anything negative to say about anyone trying to reach their running goal.

Runners who complete full marathons are just as in awe of those that complete half marathons.

Runners will stop their race to help another runner or check on a runner falling way behind.

Runners are only competing with themselves, sure the placing hardware is nice but so is the completion hardware.

Runners only really need two things to run, feet and good shoes.

Runners will cheer and yell for you even if your in the back and they are Elite runners. Some of the greatest support I've gotten is from professional runners.

Runners share the road they are on with anyone, even crazy drivers.

Runners are all a bit insane, why else would we run crazy races such as the Warrior Dash/Hood to Coast and Ragnar, or attempt to run Moab?

Runners don't care if your 150 or 300lbs they care that your out there doing it.

Runners know that the pain and all the sore muscles, the bruised toe nails and the blisters are so worth the feeling of crossing the finish line.

And my last realization is that yes I really am an Endurance Geek, a runner and I am loving it.

Till after Memphis!

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