Additional Pages to my blog
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Road ID
St. Jude's Memphis 1/2 Marathon
Had a great pre race pasta dinner with Cari and her family, Bob, his wife and K'Leetha. Felt really good about the next day. Not stressed that I could tell. Made sure that I drank plenty of water the night before and morning of. I wanted to make sure that I was hydrated and didn't have any problems with hands swelling and knuckles being black and blue this time.
Got up that morning nice and early so that we would have time to get to the parking lot close to the start/finish, and make sure we had the gear we needed, and to meet up with Bob and K that morning. We somehow missed them.
It was nice that we could place ourselves in a corral, we chose a bit of a faster pace than either of us run so that we would have time to get settled in before our actual pace group left.
Cari and I hugged and wished each other luck with our own races. And headed out.
Surprisingly I stayed with the main pack for about 5 miles. I was finding out that I needed to stop at the water stops and use the facilities more often but that gave me cause to pick up the pace and keep up with the pack. I felt really good other than that. at about mile 7 to 7.5 I was still doing okay I was at about 2 to 2.5 hours which I was happy with at mile 9 that would put me at about 3 hours with gas left to knock out the last 4 miles at a decent clip. That's when things fell off track.
I stopped just past mile 8 to adjust my laces due to swelling, this is a normal stop for me nothing new, then headed into the park. About mile 7 I picked up a friend to run with. Extremely lucky I did.
I don't remember much about running through Overton Park but I do remember coming out the other side and looking for directions on where to go next because all the race signs and such were gone. At about mile 10 I remember sitting down because everything was really wavy and getting dark around the edges.
The next thing I remember is waking up in an emergency runners transport truck with no idea how I got there from the point I sat down. Talk about terrified. The EMT's got me to the field hospital and check vitals and such, gave me a banana and asked me again where I was who I was and such. When they first go to the truck I was still hazy on what had happen and how I got back to Autozone Park.
Needless to say I did not finish this race. I am still hazy about parts of the final two miles I did complete. I remember music and smelling bread.
After talking to a friend in the medical field it sounds as if I my electrolytes were all messed up, the banana helped.
I guess as Bob said when I ran into him and K after they had finished it was a good day for a training run.
I am more upset about passing/blacking out than I am about not finishing. Because it means that I'm not doing something right. I'm going to spend the next couple of days working out just what I need to do to hydrate my body and keep my electrolytes in balance as well as finish strong.
I'm looking forward to the Frostbite 5k, The Fangtastick 5k and possibly Tom King again. I and rededicating myself to proper training and not slacking off by only doing the bare minimum miles. I am going to work on those first 8 miles, and push past that mile 8 wall.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Training, racing and the Holidays.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
nuu muu product review!
When I first starting running I was all about covering up, as most big girls are. You soon learn in distance running there is no dignity after mile 5. You just want to be comfortable and not have to worry about your gear rubbing you the wrong way.
I don't know about you but I find that just my running tights or shorts doesn't give me enough coverage. I have a running skirt to go over them to minimize the trauma to those watching me run. So my outfit usually consists of, unders, shorts or tights my running skirt, with it's own shorts attached and a shirt. In hot weather have 3 bottom layers is way too much.
At the Expo for the WHM I found the solution. What is it you ask? It is a running dress by nuu muu now don't get me wrong I passed the booth a couple of times before my mother in law joined me at the expo. I actually took the time to look at the product. See at most marathon expo's the clothes are for girls that don't have hips and curves.
These dresses are different. I ended up going back and purchasing one and wore it for my recovery run. Still chaffed and sore from the marathon I just wanted something comfortable. Ladies this dress was GREAT, no rubbing, no irritation, it stayed where it was supposed to for the most part I did have a little ride up in the front but I will chalk that up to wearing my hydration belt.
The material is snug, but not tight, supportive but it breaths. Most important, it fits us big girls and is modest you don't feel like your showing off to the world what your mama told you to keep to yourself.
I like the fact that this product is also made in the USA right in Boise, Idaho. The women I met from nuu muu were GREAT. They took time to answer my questions and inform me about the product and even encouraged me to try it on when I had doubts it would fit. Cathy Coulter and Enid Wilson and Lori Fuller were nice as could be.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Women's Half Marathon Re-Cap
Friday, September 24, 2010
WHM Nashville Inaugural Expo
I have been looking forward to this race and expo since I saw the booth at the Country Music Marathon Expo. The draw for me was the idea of the two piece medal and the fact that it was a race especially for women.
The Nashville Medal is unique to Nashville. Each of the races has finishers medals that are specific for that race. You can find the concept art work here at their home page Women's Half Marathon.
They also advertise the "ultimate goodie bag". Again the artwork for each bag is different dependent on which race you are running. The let down of this "ultimate goodie bag" is that the ultimate thing about it is the specially designed bag. It is special and unique but not what I would really call "ultimate". I was looking for something from the major sponsors of the race in the bag and found only the following items:
Dole Real Fruit Bites yogurt and whole grain oats covered pineapple chunks these I was looking forward to and they did not disappoint.
Shave Secret tried this when we got it in previous goodie bag it's not that great
Real Foods Corn Thins uber thin corn cakes I added some Nutella to mine for some flavor
Rohto Redness Relief eye drops different version than I had received in another race bag, but still can't use do to contact use, tried this version after taking out my contacts not a pleasant experience it made my eyes burn even more
ViOLOGIE sample of shampoo and conditioner with a coupon
It would have been nice for them to include a chain of some sort for the charm that detaches from the finishers medal. It could have been a leather cord or just the same chain they sold for $10.00 since the draw for many participants was the idea of being able to wear your medal where ever you go.
The tech tee is cute, the graphics, style and feel of the shirt are nice. These are NOT real women sizes, my XL was more like a large or medium and there was no offer of any sizes larger than XL. After talking to several other ladies at the expo that were not itty bitty, there was a general feeling of letdown that they would not be able to wear the shirt due the small sizing.
For a "women's" race one would think that they would want to cater to the "real" women. This race series has seemed to draw quite a few "first timers" this would be a GREAT opportunity for them to showcase that not all women are built the same, I think they might have dropped the ball in that area.
The sizing of race apparel and tech shirts is something that I have found to be an industry wide problem for men and women. The tech shirts all seem to run small, sure this FCR could compromise and buy a guys shirt but I don't want a guy's shirt. They are cut differently and just don't seem to fit correctly.
The Expo was laid out so as you entered the area you first went through the branded apparel, there were some really cute head bands and tee-shirts with the race logo. Then you begin a serpentine walk around past the vendors, the drawback to this lay out is that you had to go all the way around the booths to get to the tee-shirt pick up area. Not a bad marketing strategy but for those participants that had to pick up their packets and leave it caused a bit of a bottle neck during the "rush".
Michelle Stone, Dawna Stone, FCR and Ellen Heise.
I got to spend some time talking to Michele Stone and Ellen Heise about the expo and goodie bags and they explained that the bag was considered "Ultimate" because it wasn't the typical throw away plastic bag that you get at most of the races across the country. I can give brownie points for that. They also explained that they were very picky about what was put in the bags more points here. Taking that in to consideration is a nice sentiment that you don't come home with a bag of fliers that you never read and just toss away.
Over all the expo was nice, filled with your typical race vendors, from this FCR's experience, there was of course Spibelt and Gu, our Fleetfeet friends and our local Acme Multi-Sports guys and girls at the Oakley booth, Brooks made and appearance with Fleetfeet, and Muzino was there with Sports Seasons. There were some new to me vendors there as well. The gang from Nuu Muu was awesome. And the Concerta staff was very nice as well. RungirlRun and were also in attendance.
Next up we will review product from Nuu Muu, rungirlrun and Gypsy Runner, as always we never review product that we have not personally tried.
Know of someone or something we need to feature just send us a note and we will check it out.
Till Later
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
First time Halfer's do's and don'ts
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hill work
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Seattle Vacation
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Summer break is almost over!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Our next adventure
Hendersonville Classic 5k
I even had enough gas at the end to run hard to the finish line. I call it "both feet in the air at the same time finishing" I know it seems like a silly goal but it feels so good to have that much left over at the end. Now I need to work on getting 2 minutes shaved off that time. I would love to have a consistent 15 min/mile pace by the race in September.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Not running any races in June
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Number One and Two on Google Search!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Goals, Dreams and Summer Racing.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
My disappearance....
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I guess CMM wasn't about running for me after all.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Meeting Mark Cleveland and using the Swiftwick brand.
Perfect for: Hiking, Biking, Hockey

4" cuff. Sits three-quarter-calf.
Perfect for: Hiking, Biking, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey
County Music Half Marathon Wrap Up.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"How do you do it?"
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's almost here!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Using iPhone applications to race and train with
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
16th Annual Gupton Dodge Tom King Classic
Six months ago I got winded going up and down the three flights of stairs to our apartment, now I power up them to get a bit of cardio in. Leon knows when I come in breathless that I've done my stair work. To think back in January I was huffing and puffing at two loops in the park. Each week brought it's challenges then I got race happy, I like the way I feel when I'm done it's so addicting and if I'm going to be addicted to something it should be healthy.
I took the early start with Emily and her friend, so glad I did by the way. I made it to mile 3 before the guy in the wheelchair slipped by. From mile 3 on I fell into a grove where the breathing and running and the body all come together. It was awesome. I felt invincible. The thundering herds got to me on the bouncing bridge and made me a bit sick to my stomach.... Forget the foamy brown water where was the warning about the bridge huh?
I love that you all look for me during the race both on your way out and then on your way back. Was it just me or after mile marker 6 was the turnaround forever away?
The turnaround was not too bad. Then mile 8 hit and the my ITB starting hurting for the first time. Again so glad that I've got HRC and knew what to do. The medic taped me up and I was off again. I didn't stop running till about mile 9 boy did I find a wall. By that time they were starting to pack up and go home. I finally made it out of Shelby bottoms followed by the EMTs that kept asking if I wanted a ride. No thank you I said 4 times I'm finishing this on my own power. The Metro officers were awesome each one I passed clapped and cheered for me.
stopped asked if I was okay and said yes I just hurt my body was done she went with me all the way to the attendant. He walked me down the ramp EMTs saw my wrap that was now down below me knee and asked if I was okay...I said yup almost there... At the end of the tunnel was my Leon. He walked around the field and over the chip mats with me. Then I tried to pass out but for some reason they wouldn't let me.
I missed the group that was waiting for me and I'm sorry that I did.
Charlene and Leslie and Heidi I am so glad that you challenged me to do this race. I did something today I have never done before. I did not quit and did not give up. Mind over body is an amazing thing.
Charlene you told me when I said I blamed you and Leslie for the challenge that I accepted in doing this race that you would take the blame at the starting line and it would be all me at the finish. Each of those last 4 miles I thought about how each and everyone one of you have touched my life and training and are there to teach me what my body is capable of.
I take the blame for the finish but I share it all with you. For you cheers, your encouragement, your example and yes Bob even for the GU.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
GoodNaz 5k
Friday, March 5, 2010
Updates and Challenges.
I had a car wreck in January of 2009 that caused a torsion injury of the spine and neck. I went to a chiropractor soon after but really did not like the doctor or the office I was going to. I visited other chiropractors as well but none of them seem to quite fit.
Last Friday I tried out a new doctor (Thanks Ash) and love the office staff, the atmosphere, and the doctor.
I have always been totally on board with healing with out medication if possible.
I had been having major headaches bordering on migraine level pain. I was out running errands and had taken the dog with me. Now mind you Sadie is only 8lbs not very big. I had taken her in to the office of one of the stops I had to make and picked her up and turned and that's when I for lack of a better word locked up. My entire left side was in pain, I could not look to the left and was even having trouble turning my body to the left.
The new chiropractor is just around the corner from our house so that makes it very convenient. He listens to me and then assesses my needs. The first visit he took an x-ray of my neck and then told me it was a mess.
He is always concerned with how I'm doing running and if the treatment is helping. I am sure of it.
Just 24 hours till the GoodNaz 5k. After a pre race visit with the new chiropractor I am going to get my long run in for the week. It is a back down week and only 6 miles.
This journey is amazing. I find new milestones almost every day. The phone calls, and emails and support from friends and family and the members of the Hendersonville Running Club have been amazing. I would not be where I am with out all of you.
This habit is still becoming a lifestyle. There are still days I dread going out in the cold to run, then I look in the mirror and see just how big my clothes are compared to how they should actually fit, and I go change in to the running stuff and lace up and head out the door.
The hardest part still is the lacing up and heading out, which I need to do now. I promise an after race update before the weekend is over.
Till next time dear friends and readers.
PS. HALH is now walking with out crutches and big black ortho boot today he is going to try to go all day in the lace up brace! One more step closer to full recovery.