Monday, December 7, 2009

Week Two: Day 8

I ended the first week pretty strong. I did not walk/run on Saturday or Sunday and boy could I feel it. Sitting in Church Saturday night during the Adult Session of Stake Conference I could feel my leg muscles start to cramp up and they started to hurt. I have determined that the reasons were one or two possibilities. The first being that I was dehydrated. I have a with that. So I started keeping a half and half mix of Gatorade and water in my fridge and I try to remember to drink it often.

I did another outside training session this evening. I am going to try something different this week. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm going out for a fast paced 30 minute walk/jog. Then on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I'm going to do an hour.

I'll be scheduling an appointment with my Doctor in the next few weeks to make sure that I'm not pushing my body faster then it's ready to go.

Each day that passes I find my self of two minds. On the one hand I think I'm absolutely nuts for trying to do a 1/2 marathon my first time out. The opposite of that is as I told someone Saturday night when they thought I was also nuts for doing a 1/2 marathon first. "Hey with big goals come big results"

So here's to Big Results!

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